Africans should reinforce humanitarianism

Often times when catastrophe befalls Africa, it is always the western world that will come to the rescue. They will go as far as playing the role of whistle blowing for us to get help while we keep quiet and go about our own lives. Yes, we could possibly be doing some little humanitarian work through the church and different organizations which is good, but on the other hand, we are waiting for USA, UK and other such nations to intervene.

Friday, August 19, 2011
For families fleeing violence, malnutrition and poor sanitary conditions are life-threatening

Often times when catastrophe befalls Africa, it is always the western world that will come to the rescue.

They will go as far as playing the role of whistle blowing for us to get help while we keep quiet and go about our own lives.

Yes, we could possibly be doing some little humanitarian work through the church and different organizations which is good, but on the other hand, we are waiting for USA, UK and other such nations to intervene.

This could have a lot to do with our history as we happen to be among the poor continents of the world. However, we are halted by the mentality of looking down on ourselves yet we can actually do something.

We cannot run away from the fact that the Western economy is way stronger and more developed than ours but that should not stop us from reaching out to our brothers.

We might not have much but if we had the heart to cooperate and feel for our very own, then we would also play a humanitarian role once in a while.

There is a mentality that all donations should come from the Western world like we are completely helpless and hopeless.Well, it is a good thing to receive but we also need to get involved in giving.

Why should fellow Africans die as a result of famine and war everyday while we wait for the West to intervene?

Currently there is a crisis in Somalia but few African countries have come out to help. It is stuck in the frame of many people’s minds that Africa has too little thus unable to play the humanitarian role.

However, if we put together some of the little we have, then it becomes a lot. For as long as we keep depending on the Western world, we shall always be looked down on as people who cannot do anything for ourselves.

Africa ought to join in the struggle to always give a helping hand whenever need arises.

There is a need to show some effort. We have come a long way and this has not entirely been the effort of the Western world.

Well, we cannot deny the fact that they play a big role and we’ve learnt quite a lot from them however, Africans have definitely played a big role too.

It is so shaming to hear of a crisis in an African country and the first people that come to intervene are the Westerners. Let’s not despise ourselves but rather combine efforts as Africans. Together we can help out our brothers and sisters in any crisis!