Giving is more blessed than receiving

The act of giving comes from within one’s heart. It should not be imposed on anyone; it comes from the inner person with the good intention of bringing a smile to the one receiving.It is actually more blessed to give than to receive. Therefore, we should then take an initiative to generously give to the needy knowing we shall be blessed at the end of the day.

Friday, August 19, 2011
Somali women and children wait to get medicine at a Medicines Sans Frontieres, MSF. Net photo

The act of giving comes from within one’s heart. It should not be imposed on anyone; it comes from the inner person with the good intention of bringing a smile to the one receiving.

It is actually more blessed to give than to receive. Therefore, we should then take an initiative to generously give to the needy knowing we shall be blessed at the end of the day.

With the world’s disease epidemics and famine outbreaks like in Somalia today, drought and other calamities that are leaving people homeless and hopeless, is a call for people to help.

With whatever we can, we should give hope to the hopeless children, women and men who are in these devastated situations. When we give, we should do it out of good will.

Why should we just sit, be happy and have fun yet our brothers and sisters are out there dying of famine and hunger. One and one makes a bundle, so if we joined hands, the little that each one of us has would finally be big enough to save a life out there.

True giving is not about expecting back from those you give but rather an investment for a blessing. It could be them today but tomorrow would be someone else so, why not give? After all, one good turn deserves another.

We cannot dictate on what life holds, it comes its own way, our duty is to plan for it in advance and wait for what it brings, bad or good, we receive it accordingly.

Those who are suffering need help from those who can. Each of us needs another because no man is an island. One cannot live by themselves in all spheres of life. Whether people are in celebration or in sorrow, they need each other in order to make life complete.

This makes life complete and gives those who receive the help a reason to smile and to live once again. They feel loved and cared for at all costs. It makes the suffering feel like they belong knowing there are good Samaritans out there ready to come to their rescue.

Therefore, people should rise up to give for the good cause of saving other people’s lives. Helping does not mean only giving in terms of money but even tangible items such as clothing, food e.t.c.

As long as it is a basic need of life, giving for one‘s sake of survival is the best anyone can offer. Having this in mind, individuals, organizations and countries should feel the plight of those in need; offer help and as the seeds of love are spread, hope grows in the desert of sorrow.