
Condoleezza Rice  Condoleezza Rice, born November 14, 1954, is an American political scientist and diplomat. She is the only child of Angelena Ray Rice, a high school teacher, and John Wesley Rice, a high school guidance counselor.

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice, born November 14, 1954, is an American political scientist and diplomat.

She is the only child of Angelena Ray Rice, a high school teacher, and John Wesley Rice, a high school guidance counselor.

As a junior, her family and peers faced great racial discrimination. She recalls being relegated to a store instead of a regular dressing room, being bared from having fun on the circus or amusement parks, being denied hotel rooms, and even being given bad food at restaurants.

She however beat all the struggles and famously became the first woman to hold the office of National Security Advisor, during the former American President George Bush’s reign.

She was also the first African-American woman to become the Secretary of State of USA.

Rice’s fame and controversy is mixed up in the 2003 invasion of Iraq in the Bush administration, for which she was a supporter.

In March 2009, Rice returned to Stanford University as a political science professor. In her family life; she is married to Canadian-born ABC News producer Ian Officer Cameron. They live in Washington, D.C. with their two children.

She is also an accomplished pianist and has performed in public since she was a young girl.
