Old Bachelor: Final word from THE OLD BACHELOR

I HATE FOOTBALL!!!! You are probably wondering whether I’ve temporarily lost my marbles. I mean, which male in his right mind would say that he’s off the best game in the world?

Saturday, March 15, 2008


You are probably wondering whether I’ve temporarily lost my marbles. I mean, which male in his right mind would say that he’s off the best game in the world?

Certainly, if some football fanatic came up to me and declared that "he wasn’t ever going to watch a single game,” I’d think that he had been psychologically damaged by some strange phenomenon. Rest assured nothing of the sort has befallen the Bachelor.

I’ve just decided to stop caring so much about a game where grown men chase a little ball around the field for hours and concentrate on more important things. Like wine and women.

Seriously, this mental bolt out of the blue came to me on Saturday. My favorite team (my former favorite team, excuse me) Manchester United was playing lousy Portsmouth in the FA Cup and honestly, it was the most unfair state of affairs I’d ever witnessed with my naked eye.

"We was robbed”, I felt like screaming. The idiot ref refused to reward us a penalty for an obvious foul, we had two chances cleared off the line with the keeper beaten, and a shot cannoned off the upright and then guess what?

The Portsmouth fools decided to attack us just once and they get a penalty. They score, of course, and my dreams of a treble season go down the drain.

Honestly, I felt so utterly pissed off that I actually became nauseous. I replayed the game over and over again…agonising over the penalty until something hit me.

These fellows donning the colors of Manchester United were a bunch of fellows that had a bad day at the office but at the end of the week they’d nevertheless get paid their salaries. Believe me, their salaries aren’t something to scoff at.

I mean, these guys at Man U get an average salary of about £50,000 a week. That’s about Frw50m! And it’s not for finding the cure for cancer or discovering how to reverse global warming. No, its for running about and kicking a ball into a net!

It’s totally disgusting if you actually think about. You can call it sour grapes all you like but here is my reasoning. These guys have it too good and why should I get all hot and bothered while these guys keep getting paid?

These fellows get more money in a week than I get in five years and maybe, just maybe, if, instead of watching these guys at work I did a little bit of work myself I might actually not be broke. Think about it.

Contact: madogz2002@yahoo.ca