Eatingout: Hui Hong’s crisp fried chicken is a winner

Passing along the main Kacyiru road, opposite the Embassy of Holland, you cannot miss Hui Hong Chinese restaurant. The bright red lanterns are eye catching and inviting.

Saturday, March 15, 2008
A taste of China in Kigali.

Passing along the main Kacyiru road, opposite the Embassy of Holland, you cannot miss Hui Hong Chinese restaurant. The bright red lanterns are eye catching and inviting.

Upon entering, the atmosphere is relaxed, slow music plays at a low level for those who want peace while enjoying their food. The restaurant is comfortable with a cool breeze.

Highlights on the menu include sea food, noodles and crisp fried chicken. Prices range from Frw5000 to Frw 6000. For vegetarians, they have assorted vegetables, shelled shrimps with cabbage. Drinks choices are plentiful while prices are reasonable.

Since Chinese restaurants are still rare in Kigali, Hui Hong’s can rely on lovers of thise fare to keep it buzzing with activity. Try the crisp fried chicken, it’s a favourite among regulars and won’t let you down.

For a modest thousand bob you can enjoy breakfast here too. And there’s takeaway for those on the move or wanting to bring a touch of the orient to their homes
Do you want to learn to use chop sticks? Why not find time to try them out at this Chinese restaurant?

Unfortunately, when it gets busy, as it’s bound to, you will have to make do with sharing a table. And the busier it gets the less impressive the service becomes.
