The secret life of Joseph Habineza

Joseph Habineza, is currently Rwanda’s Minister of Sports and Culture. Born on October 3, 1964, Habineza is the first born in a family of seven siblings.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Joseph Habineza, is currently Rwanda’s Minister of Sports and Culture. Born on October 3, 1964, Habineza is the first born in a family of seven siblings.

Before he returned to his country, he was based in Nigeria, and working with the Heineken Company, in the ICT department. Upon his return in 2005, Habineza was appointed the Minister of Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture.

If you have time to yourself…….

I dedicate it to my favourite sport, tennis.

What is your earliest memory?

‘J’ai tant besoin de toi’, a song my parents danced to in 1973, when they were celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary.

What is the moment that changed your life?

The night of 6th April 1994. This was a turning point in my life. Initially, I never thought of being a politician. My dream was to become a businessman and I had started achieving my dream. But after the Genocide, my life and all my plans changed completely.   

What makes you depressed?

I don’t suffer from depression.

If you could edit your past, what would you change?

I cannot change any single step. I have lived a perfect life style and my path has been remarkable, so to say.

Who is the person that really makes you laugh?

They are many and none is better than the other. Normally I don’t tolerate boring characters, because I don’t have time for stress.

When were you happiest?

My life has been full of happiness and surprises right from my childhood up to now.

What do you normally dream about?

Funny stuff. I normally dream about when I was a little boy playing around with my friends in the neighbourhood. 

What is your greatest fear?

A dog. I would run if I saw one coming towards me.

Who is your living hero and why?

Both presidents: His Excellence, Paul Kagame and the former South African President, Nelson Mandela. These guys are great and natural men who didn’t revenge after what had happened to them.

What is your most unappealing habit to you?

Hypocrisy and judging other people.

Who is your favourite actor?

Will Smith and Eddie Murphy. This is because I enjoy comedies.

Your greatest inspiration…….

As a politician I will not comment about that.

What is your most valuable possession?

My family and friends. A wise person can never give value to perishables.

Your favourite dish is…….

Rice and chicken.

The bar that I cannot walk past is……

Stan’s bar. It’s located at Hotel des Mille Collines.

What’s with the hand gestures when you’re talking?

[They’re] in order to attract the attention of the person I’m talking to. Anyway, it’s a common device used by politicians when they are expressing a point.

Who is your latest girlfriend?

On my God [laughs]. They are many but I have got only one lover; my pretty and gorgeous wife. The problem with Rwandans, whenever they see different sexes together, they immediately associate them with sexual affairs.

Can you tell me a secret?

Then it won’t be a secret. I will die with all my secrets.
