The arrest of five individuals for attempting to bribe traffic police officers on Thursday, speaks volumes about the force to fight corruption while ensuring the safety of road users. Such simple actions, by traffic officers, as rejecting bribes from unscrupulous drivers, is something that must be commended. Succumbing to corruption on the part of traffic police officers, can have devastating effects including deaths from accidents, caused by those driving vehicles or motor bicycles that are in faulty mechanical condition.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The arrest of five individuals for attempting to bribe traffic police officers on Thursday, speaks volumes about the force to fight corruption while ensuring the safety of road users.

Such simple actions, by traffic officers, as rejecting bribes from unscrupulous drivers, is something that must be commended. Succumbing to corruption on the part of traffic police officers, can have devastating effects including deaths from accidents, caused by those driving vehicles or motor bicycles that are in faulty mechanical condition.

Police have taken the initiative to educate road users about the dangers of bribing traffic police officers.

Public transport associations should continue to educate their drivers about traffic rules, and the importance of adhering to regulations while on the road.

By rejecting bribery, traffic police officers are sending a clear signal to all road users; that there are no shortcuts and once you break traffic rules, the long arm of the law will always catch up with you. The implication here is that traffic rules will be enforced to the latter and road users will play by the rules.

With such enforcement, the road carnage is avoided and lives saved.  It is important to note, that discipline by road users is the most important factor in ensuring that accidents don’t occur. All stakeholders need to play their part, and cooperate with Traffic police to ensure continued safety and order on roads
