Eliminate malnutrition – Binagwaho urges community workers

RUTSIRO-The Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, Friday called upon community health workers to play a key role in eliminating malnutrition – a deficiency that results an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrients are lacking or are in the wrong proportions. Dr. Binagwaho made this call as she concluded her three-day tour of health facilities in the districts of Karongi and Rutsiro, Western Province.

Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Health Minister, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, greets health workers at Murunda Hospital, Rutsiro District, Western Province NewTimes/Courtesy photo

RUTSIRO-The Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, Friday called upon community health workers to play a key role in eliminating malnutrition – a deficiency that results an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrients are lacking or are in the wrong proportions.

Dr. Binagwaho made this call as she concluded her three-day tour of health facilities in the districts of Karongi and Rutsiro, Western Province.

Addressing medics and thousands of Community Health Workers (CHWs) at Murunda Hospital, the minister noted that while medical workers struggle to ensure that the population is in good health, CHWs must also sensitise the public on key health issues.

"Rwandans must know that it is unacceptable to have any of our children suffering from malnutrition. It is not enough that people have kitchen gardens. Community health workers should emphasize what must be put on the child’s plate to ensure that they get a balanced diet,” the minister said.

She also noted that the government is committed to ensure that CHWs promote health amongst communities by providing training and rewarding them. Under the performance based financing system, funds are channeled to their cooperatives to advance economic status of the CHWs.

In the past, malnutrition was highlighted among the key public health problems. In 2009 after a countrywide survey, close to 10,000 children were admitted to hospitals in critical state but were later discharged after improving.

"You are responsible for educating the public on priority health issues, so play your role and together we will make malnutrition a case of the past. All pregnant women must deliver at health facilities and although there is progress, let us continue the efforts of eliminating malaria mortality and morbidity,” the minister advised.

Binagwaho also held discussions with hospital heads and solved most of the key issues that were raised. Many issues were related to provision of various equipment in major hospitals as well as ensuring that staff is retained at these facilities.

Dr. Jean Nepo Sindikubwabo, the Director of Murunda Hospital, thanked the Minister for the commitment that the government shows towards ensuring that the necessary systems are in place to provide quality health care for all Rwandans.

 During her tour, Binagwaho also visited Musango dispensary, Kibuye hospital, Bisesero health centre and Mugonero hospital .

In a bid to promote maternal health care, maternity wings will be constructed at Musango dispensary and Bisesero health centre. Other initiatives that aim at promoting health across the country also include, setting up provincial referral hospitals so that in future transferred cases are handled at provinces. Todate, there are four referral hospitals, 42 district hospitals and about 450 health centres across the country.
