Recently, all hell has been let loose in U.K.  There is news of looting, rioting, mugging and arson fairly widely spread over. A newspaper commented on the situation that London has been shamed. But in my opinion, it is not only London but the entire humanity that is shamed by such riots.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Recently, all hell has been let loose in U.K.  There is news of looting, rioting, mugging and arson fairly widely spread over.

A newspaper commented on the situation that London has been shamed. But in my opinion, it is not only London but the entire humanity that is shamed by such riots.

Root cause for such riots is that some people are not able to contain their tempers. They carry their egos and temper in their pockets and start dropping them at the slightest imaginary provocation.

Who started these riots, after being provoked by what, remains theoretical discussion for unaffected media and public alike. But practical fact remains that hundreds of innocent people get injured and lose their lives and property due to the mindless violence initiated by some fellow human beings.

Anger or losing one’s temper is a very basic animal instinct present in human beings. An animal does not allow another one to enter its territory; it does not share its food with another animal. Now if another animal dares to do so, they start growling and try to chase them off.

 Short tempered people have a thousand and one reasons to lose their temper. At home it could be something as simple as a meal not being as per one’s taste or a particular shirt is not found.

At the work place also, such people have many reasons to become angry and lose their temper.  If in a senior position, they become a source of harassment to others. If placed in a junior position, they tend to be reprimanded many times and even at times lose their jobs.  Just because they cannot   control their tempers.

It has happened in reality with somebody we know. Due to being short tempered in temperament, he quarrelled with his superior over a trivial issue. The superior a very polite gentleman did not utter a word but wrote a written complaint against him to the boss. The outcome of which was that   this quarrelsome person was thrown out of the company.

At home, such people become the cause   of frequent fights and bitterness. Many marriages break up due to a spouse getting angry just at the drop of a hat.

Wherever such people exist, they become a cause for vitiating a happy and cheerful atmosphere.

What they do collectively or at community level is riots. Thus they are never at peace themselves and do not allow others to live in peace.

Irrational anger also has a bad influence on people’s health. Anger causes release of excess adrenaline in the bodies of all, i.e. the person getting angry and those around him.  This causes increase in the blood pressure, sweating, palpitations, and other physical problems.

An individual may have his or her grudge against a person or system. He may be frustrated for something not being done as per his liking, or would be exhausted. But none of this gives an    excuse to lose temper over somebody.  The person getting angry frequently should try to do some introspection when he is in a calm state of mind. He should try to think as to how he would feel if somebody else gets angry at him and shouts or becomes violent. This would certainly help him to realize as to how much he is hurting others.

It is important that individuals learn to check their tempers. This practice should be started from a young age. Children or adolescents who display fits of anger should be counselled about the hazards of this bad habit. They need to understand that   they have nothing to gain from this habit but can lose much. 

When one feels angry he should try to view the situation from the other’s perspective before flying into a rage. 

Doing some deep breathing also helps to calm the agitated mind. 

What a wonderful place this world can become if all learn not to lose their temper.  Therefore all have to make efforts towards eradicating this evil habit.