Healthy Living : The importance of weight management

I was watching a reality TV show about five women who were bold enough to come to national TV to be weighed and agree to be put on a regimen that will help them cut weight and eventually be advised on how to manage their weight for a healthier lifestyle.

Saturday, August 13, 2011
food portions weight management or loss

I was watching a reality TV show about five women who were bold enough to come to national TV to be weighed and agree to be put on a regimen that will help them cut weight and eventually be advised on how to manage their weight for a healthier lifestyle.

I learnt a few things that I dint know about weight management. Some people might associate weight management with losing weight, but in essence weight management is all about eating the right food and doing some exercise to stay healthy and strong without having to really lose weight.
First and foremost; according to one nutritionist when managing weight it is important to take note on the food portions. The meals should be portioned in a calorie-conscious manner. A quarter of the plate should comprise a palm size portion of lean protein like fish and chicken; while another quarter should comprise a fist size portion of unrefined grains such as brown rice and another half should be filled with vegetables.
Also, people tend to skip meals in order to maintain
their weight, but this I learnt is advised against. Any person who can afford should eat three meals a day plus a snack –which is essential in weight management. Start from eating breakfast in the morning which jump-starts one’s metabolism. We all know that food is body’s fuel: without it, your body cannot work as efficiently, it is therefore important to eat and when you do eat right.
It is also important that the majority of calories should be eaten in the first half of the day. Hunger should also be controlled during the day when a person is active and lighter meals should be taken in the evenings, when one is ready to go to bed since people are not active during this time.
Most women do not receive the 25-30 grams of fibre recommended each day. To help yourself boost your fibre intake, choose whole-grain, high-fibre breads and cereals; choose whole-wheat pasta and rice instead of white; and include more dried beans in your meals. Fibre helps fill you up faster, which can cause you to eat less and curb hu
nger. Most importantly, soluble fibre can help lower your cholesterol.
Eating between two to three servings of fruit daily is very important because fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibres. In fact it is advised that fruits like the apples should be eaten with the skin for added fibre and nutrients.
Drinking between six and eight glasses of water daily will help keep one adequately hydrated and often helps prevent over eating. To crown all these daily exercise should not be forgotten, remember to maintain weight is the first step to help you lead a healthy lifestyle.