Kimironko Taxi Park opened

Kimironko Taxi Park was opened officially yesterday by the mayor of Kigali City Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kimironko Taxi Park was opened officially yesterday by the mayor of Kigali City Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira.

During the opening ceremony, Dr Kacyira said that this would solve the problem of vehicles parking alongside roads thereby causing accidents.

"I am grateful that what began as a dream has turned into a reality," said the mayor. Construction of the park began June last year.

Kacyira said that it’s now the responsibility of the entire community to maintain and use the facility properly.

The construction of the park cost Frw189,400,000, while monitoring took Frw5,500,000, and this cost was jointly shouldered by Kigali City, the World Bank and Gasabo District.

The World Bank representative to Rwanda, Victoria Kwakwa, said that such developments improve people’s lifestyles and that they will continue to give such support that is geared towards the country’s development.

State minister for Energy, Eng. Albert Butare, said that such new developmental infrastructure in the area would help solve problems of unemployment, thus improving the well-being of the community.

"People who have not been having jobs are going to begin working as taxi guides and other activities within the Taxi Park that donot require much skill," he said.

The Taxi Park has the capacity to accommodate 52 mini-buses and 4 buses.
