Breastfeeding myths

The word myth loosely means a theory that has been heard but the truth to it not yet proven. Who would have thought breastfeeding had myths too? Strange as it may sound, breastfeeding has had its fair share of stories that most women quickly assume as true.

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Breasfeeding is more important than firm boobs. Net photo

The word myth loosely means a theory that has been heard but the truth to it not yet proven. Who would have thought breastfeeding had myths too? Strange as it may sound, breastfeeding has had its fair share of stories that most women quickly assume as true.

The most interesting of these stories has been the assumption that babies who were breastfed longer appear to be smarter in life as opposed to the ones who were not.  I am sure no one is in the habit of calling another person’s kid dumb but I strongly believe that if one is slow, then one is slow and no lengthy breast feeding period can change that.

Has it been scientifically proven that babies who were not efficiently breastfed always lagged behind their friends in school?  It is almost the same as the myth about eating fish and how it would make us smart. Some people ate so much fish that they were literally responsible for the drop in the fish population if there is such a thing.

However, even after eating all that fish, not a pound of wisdom was added to their brains, if the number of times they have rebounded a class is anything to go by. I think the same goes with breast feeding. Haven’t we seen kids who have never tasted breast milk at all (orphans who lost a mother at birth to be exact) but have still grown up to be brilliant people?

It could well be possible that Albert Einstein never tasted a drop of breast milk in his whole toddler life. Sure it has it’s bonuses as it is highly nutritious and therefore great for your baby’s health but how does it connect with the IQ? Besides, babies who have been breastfeed too long are also referred to as just that – babies! Incapable of doing anything or instead of acting mature are always just waiting on mummy. That is still a myth waiting to be explained.

Some women say that breastfeeding helps them stay in shape without having to work out. Apparently it burns more calories than you can imagine.

Jennifer Gasimba, working at a phoneshop down town begs to differ. "I do not get the logic in that at all. I gained weight during my first pregnancy and I breastfed my child till she was almost two years old. I can assure you have never felt fatter,” Gasimba said.

There are women who are naturally skinny and would not add an ounce of fat if they ate an entire buffet on their own. Not everyone is that lucky and so others need to work out or take extreme measures like surgery to lose the fat they gain after pregnancy.

"I am at baby number three but this time I will hit the gym everyday if I have to because that is the only way I can lose this weight,” insists Gasimba.

Health complications are no myth when it comes to breastfeeding however. Babies who have not been efficiently breastfed are more prone to diseases. But that doesn’t mean that for certain a child will fall sick if not breast fed. Our bodies our different and what happens to one child doesn’t mean it will happen to another.

It is better to be safe than sorry. "Some women have a hard time getting breast milk and the process is mighty painful,” adds Gasimba. "That is why we opt for formula, not because we just don’t want to breastfeed but because it hurts too much.”

This brought me to the myth that breastfeeding causes the breasts to sag. Many women are terrified of breastfeeding their babies lest their boobs end up sagging—something they believe will make them unwanted by men. It is unfortunate that in this era where breastfeeding bras have been invented, women would still be worried about sagging boobs!

The problem is that some women leave their boobs hanging way too much because they feel bras are uncomfortable. Then they let the kid feed until the boob has been completely dried out that it looks more like a sock after the baby is done with it.  As if that is not enough, they will breastfeed the child literally all the way through kindergarten. How then can your boobs not sag with such a grueling breast routine?

I call it a myth because there are women who would second that and even have the firmness to show it. It’s all about how we eat and handle ourselves.