Teachers transferred over Genocide ideology

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — District authorities this week transferred the head teacher, and teaching and non teaching staff of Groupe Scolaire Gisovu, in Tumba sector, for allegedly harbouring Genocide ideology.

Friday, March 14, 2008


KARONGI — District authorities this week transferred the head teacher, and teaching and non teaching staff of Groupe Scolaire Gisovu, in Tumba sector, for allegedly harbouring Genocide ideology.

Ngirabakunzi Bategeka Andre, head teacher, Thomas Sinayobye (teacher), Niwenyiramana Jeannette (matron) and the boys’ patron, Nsangano Venuste, were transferred to different schools in the district.

Ethnic ideology had been reported at the school since May 2007, which prompted the head teacher to report the trio to police but the case was dropped because of lack of evidence.

Following the incident, the trio reportedly started a counter-propaganda campaign portraying Ngirabakunzi as the promoter of ethnic hatred among students.

Apparently, the staff at one time incited students against the headmaster. It is said that one student started dodging classes because the teacher was a Tutsi. The headmaster was also hated by his junior staff on the same account.

According to Bernard Kayumba, the district Mayor, transferring all the staff involved was the only solution in order for the school to continue operating normally.

"Ethnic divisions had cropped up among the staff, so transferring each of them to a different school was the only available means of breaking the chain,” Kayumba said.

However, apart from the head teacher, who said was considering resigning for his personal security, others affected by the decision claim they are innocent and do not harbour any ethnic ideology.

Bishop Samuel Kayinamura, the head of the Methodist Church, the proprietors of the school, also welcomed the decision describing it as objective. He said he was also aware of the divisions in the school.
