Children and their fun time

Some children prefer to isolate themselves and stay alone while others are playing. These are usually shy children or those who fear to interact with others.When it is play time, then every child should fully enjoy it.

Monday, August 08, 2011
Mother and daughter holding beach ball without hands. Net photo

Some children prefer to isolate themselves and stay alone while others are playing. These are usually shy children or those who fear to interact with others.
When it is play time, then every child should fully enjoy it.

Being shy will only make you sad while others have a happy time. If you are a child who enjoys playing, you should identify friends who are afraid to play along.

Like a good child, invite them and engage them in your games so they can also be happy. If they are afraid, for example if they fear the swing or bouncing castle, show them how to use it or stay besides them so they can gain confidence.

Playing is one way of exercising. It keeps our bodies and minds healthy. Children need to exercise and do sports too.
These may include swimming, running, soccer, volleyball, basketball and netball among other fun games. If you become an expert in these, you can even be paid for it in the future. Have fun while playing and stay healthy.

However, one cannot play all the time but should make the most of play time. Children should help out their parents with house chores as well and do their holiday homework too.