Foreign Affairs ministry not doing enough

Dear Editor, There is a lot of hate campaign in the foreign media that is being left unanswered by our good representatives wherever they are.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dear Editor,

There is a lot of hate campaign in the foreign media that is being left unanswered by our good representatives wherever they are.

These are our ambassadors there literally as well as metaphorically, and their mandate is obviously to look out for Rwanda’s interest. But when one reads French, English and German papers, the Rwandan leadership is vilified every now and again. No wonder people abroad think ill of the government back home, yet there is so much good, so many developments that have taken place over the few years of this leadership, that every foreign leader wants to see for themselves what is happening.

It takes a person who has ever visited Rwanda before, and now, that can appreciate the great leap in development. The negative elements should not be allowed to use their stolen money clout to deceive masses like they do. For those who do not know, there are very many people who ran into exile to these foreign capitals, and now they have remobilized to decampaign and throw mud at our hardworking and selfless leaders.

We should see more rebuttals, and our ambassadors should be putting out our achievements more often for everyone to see. They are failing us by their continued quietness, as the murderers and their funders have a field day. The Foreign Affairs ministry should supervise its people to see that it delivers quality service to us.

Paris, France