Building vital relationships

It is natural for teenagers to have the anxiety to explore the life of an adult. There is always a strong urge to try out what we see our sisters, brothers or relatives at University doing.We want to try out and see what it feels like to have a boyfriend like the teenagers in the movies we watch or what it would feel like to date the girl/boy next door in our neighbourhood.

Monday, August 08, 2011
Sometimes early relationships at school lead to a loss of focus among students. Net photo

It is natural for teenagers to have the anxiety to explore the life of an adult. There is always a strong urge to try out what we see our sisters, brothers or relatives at University doing.

We want to try out and see what it feels like to have a boyfriend like the teenagers in the movies we watch or what it would feel like to date the girl/boy next door in our neighbourhood.
Often times, teenagers will not think twice about the cost of a relationship gone bad—they are sometimes quick to fall in and out of loved to loving.

They will get into a relationship even at a tender age. Teenagers are easy to fleece and unable to make good decisions regarding relationships.

Even when you think you can make good decisions relationship-wise, the fact remains that during teenagehood, one is too young to engage in such, so it will only lead to a broken heart or heap of mistakes that would have otherwise been avoided.

While a focused teenager revises their books or is having constructive fun among friends, engaged in sports and other youthful activities, the one in a relationship spends hours daydreaming about unrealistic stuff about the other teenage boy or friend who has captured their fragile hearts.

Teenagers should build relationships that are going to make their lives better. These include having classmates for friends who will always have constructive fun and ideas to build on.

Character is also important; well behaved friends will keep you out of trouble.

Rowdy friends who have a bad reputation and can only lead you astray should be avoided.

Whereas others concentrate in class, the minds of the teenagers having affairs will be pre-occupied about their relationship whether at home or school and in the end have poor grades at school.

The sad thing about teenage relationships is that the boys are always looking out for the prettiest girl so for them its only beauty that matters. So the teenage girl in a relationship will always be worried about the next newcomer who might be prettier than her and therefore create stiff competition for her.

She will be worried that her boyfriend is going to ask out the next girl who looks more striking. This leads to a cycle of unhealthy jealousy and loss of focus.

Teenage relationships are most times not as helpful as they should at the end of the day. They are not genuine but only last for a little while.

They oftentimes lead to big mistakes that can cause regrets and a guilty conscience that can haunt one for the rest of their lives.

These mistakes include premarital sex, pregnancy, abortion and even dropping out of school. Teenage relationships are only a waste of valuable school time that should have been used to improve one’s life academically, socially, spiritually and mentally for a happy future.