Give us more cows

Dear Editor, I live in Nyabisindu, and some people in this area were lucky enough to get exotic cows to pull them out of poverty. The project was such that whoever was supposed to get a cow would plan well in advance, in terms of planting fodder (grass), and constructing a pen to house the cow.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dear Editor,

I live in Nyabisindu, and some people in this area were lucky enough to get exotic cows to pull them out of poverty. The project was such that whoever was supposed to get a cow would plan well in advance, in terms of planting fodder (grass), and constructing a pen to house the cow.

I am happy to report that many people did all this, yet up to now they have not got the cows. Some got a long time ago, but the project is not going the way it was supposed to. Those who got the cows and they have calved have not given away the calf to another family so that they also get a chance.

There are so many cow-programmes in Rwanda. I am appealing to Send-A-Cow and others to visit our area and establish those who have prepared to receive the cows. We shall be grateful if we get our cows in turn. We are very expectant.
