Residents urged to embrace Imidugudu

GICUMBI – Residents of Rushaki Sector, Gicumbi District, were called on to embrace Imidudugudu settlements so as to easily access infrastructural development programmes.The call was made by the area local authorities this week during the launch of Rushaki Electricity Cooperative in Karurama Cell.

Sunday, August 07, 2011
A planned village in Gicumbi. Rwandans have been urged to embrance Imidugudu

GICUMBI – Residents of Rushaki Sector, Gicumbi District, were called on to embrace Imidudugudu settlements so as to easily access infrastructural development programmes.

The call was made by the area local authorities this week during the launch of Rushaki Electricity Cooperative in Karurama Cell.

The area Executive Secretary, Frank Kamu, said that in order for all residents to have access to electricity and water, they should set up in village settlements locally known as Imidugudu.

"If the residents who are still scattered residing in hilly areas join others who are settling in Imidugudu, it would be easier to connect water and electricity to all residents in this sector which would, in turn, improve their standard of living,” said Kamu.

The Rushaki Electricity Cooperative produces 46 kilowatts and serves over 200 area residents. The project for electricity generation from Ngoma dam is worth over Rwf800 million, and was funded by the district under the Community Development Fund (CDF).

It is an addition to the EWSA (Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority) electricity connections from Mulindi Cell. The cooperative comprises 145 members.

After it was noted that over 500 area residents are still not connected to the national grid, Kamu blamed the situation on residents who remain reluctant to settle in planned  settlements.

However, the president of the cooperative, Emilien Habinshuti, said the capacity of the electricity generated from the dam is still very low, saying 15 more kilowatts are still needed in order to serve the whole village.

The local authorities pointed out that plans are underway to increase the dam’s production.

Habinshuti said each subscriber pays Rwf120 per unit, which is cheaper compared to that from EWSA.

Meanwhile, the event saw the launch of the area’s Wisigara Umurenge SACCO, which already counts more than 1200 members.

The local authorities called on residents to join the sector credit and savings scheme so as to access loans to support their income generating projects.

Some residents who spoke to The Sunday Times testified on how credit facilities had changed their lives.

"I used to spend all the money in bars drinking, but ever since the SACCO initiative started here, I have been saving my money and have gained a lot especially with regard to my farming activities,” said Everiste Rushagaza, a father of three.
