It is by grace…

An average person rarely comes to acknowledge that it is by the grace of God that we see light the number of times we see it.This knowledge is only owned by a few and the few who know rarely think of it every day. We should learn to be forever grateful to the Lord. Many times things happen around us and we cannot make sense out of them, unfortunately we fail to acknowledge the mighty hand of the omniscient God and relate it to the happenings that challenge the best human brains on the earth.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

An average person rarely comes to acknowledge that it is by the grace of God that we see light the number of times we see it.

This knowledge is only owned by a few and the few who know rarely think of it every day. We should learn to be forever grateful to the Lord. Many times things happen around us and we cannot make sense out of them, unfortunately we fail to acknowledge the mighty hand of the omniscient God and relate it to the happenings that challenge the best human brains on the earth.

If God came to live among us in this 21st century, there would be  a third World War, not between nations but between human kind, not based on the colour, region, religion, wealth, age, sex, education, mention it, but between the ability to acknowledge God’s works and the failure to acknowledge the same.

Those with the ability to acknowledge and appreciate the works of God would praise and give ululations to the Lord no matter the situation, while those who fail to acknowledge and fathom the deeds of the Almighty would want to fight their way through to get themselves rid of the un thinking God, the so merciless, un fair, …let me not blasphemy but they would ask Him questions with answers in their mind.

They would probably kill God to reach the climax of their pain and grievance.

I am not being an atheist neither am I being a pessimist but am trying to think and imagine what would happen. I have been in different social gatherings where people discuss their faith and what they would do if God was accessible.

Death is always the climax or the tragic end of many tragic genres and literature. You know the story of God’s son in the bible? Everyone knows what the climax was.

Though I would not consider the story of Jesus as a tragic end as Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven demonstrating his divine power and resurrected with the intention that man can resurrect in him life unending…, until Jesus comes!

Yes, we encounter challenges countless times but we are human beings exalted with the power to think and analyze issues and make decisions which no other creature can boost of.

The lion is the fiercest animal but it is managed and controlled by the humans. Think of zoos and National parks where these animals are reared, tamed and …If there was to be an animal revolution, don’t you think the animals would rule the world?

If you have read George Orwell’s masterpiece of art, Animal Farm then you know what I am talking about very well.

But it is by the grace that we rule the world with all the inefficiencies that human kind do, with all the injustices that humankind commit with all the blood that we shed in genocide, wars, suicide, robbery, bomb blasts, terrorism, the list would be longer than this text. But we continue to be in God’s image.

We continue to be his representatives on earth. It is by the grace.

It is not because of man’s might that we live. No, come to think of it more critically and you will know it’s by the grace that another day comes on us.

It is by the grace of the Lord that we breathe free uncontaminated air yet with the human air polluting activities done around us.

It is by the grace that we do not perish in accidents every time we travel for there is always His journey mercy.

It is by the grace that we don’t stumble and die. It is by the grace that we don’t choke and be dead for that would be enough to claim hundreds of thousands of lives but it is by the grace.

In my last Sunday service, my pastor, preached about fellowship with the Holy Spirit and how it is by the grace that we continue to live irrespective of the unthinkable things that we do. And as I write, I understand well, what he meant by the grace.

Brethrens let us always thank God for each day that he giveth, lets rejoice and jubilate in every occurrence no matter the magnitude it may have on us because God has willed it anyway. If God says yes, who can say no…?
