FASHION: Turn heads with a Statement T-shirt

This simple item of clothing has become popular all over the world, being worn by people of different ages and gender. Statement T-shirts are mostly donned by town folks on weekends as they go about the mission of shedding off the week’s stress.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

This simple item of clothing has become popular all over the world, being worn by people of different ages and gender. Statement T-shirts are mostly donned by town folks on weekends as they go about the mission of shedding off the week’s stress.

They are also worn by people in the Diaspora as a way of keeping a part of their country with them, or to show how proud they are of their motherland.

If you are a patriotic person, flaunt the flag of your country on your t-shirt or a natural print if you are a nature enthusiast. A statement t-shirt will make heads turn.

Some wear the t-shirts either to say what the wearer won’t or can’t, or simply for their coolness factor. The great thing about statement T-shirts is, first and foremost, they allow the wearer to make a statement on a wide range of things, from how much they love their country, city, parents or anything they believe in.

Some of the most popular choices include "I love Kigali”, "Rwanda my Country” etc.

Statement T-shirts are without doubt comfortable and trendy at the same time. And what could be more interesting than a logo T-shirt?

If you are an adult, go for dark colours like black, brown, army-green or white. Young people however look fab in light colours like sky-blue, pale pink or sky blue.

You can have your very own logo T-shirt in the style that you like, paying an affordable sum of money. You can ask expert designers to create a special logo for your T-shirt. Once you start wearing their creation, you will probably be asked from where you bought that cool T-shirt

You can make a T-shirt for your girl/boyfriend and come up with a really cool, creative message.

Today one has the opportunity to express his/her thoughts through a T-shirt. There are limitless combinations of logos, designs, images and words. Think about that!

If you are a fashion conscious person, you likely fret over finding the most unusual and unique clothing that will be reflective of your personality and make a style statement.

With customized t-shirts, you can express yourself and yet have an original and unique piece of garment that has no replicas.

But you should avoid t-shirts with creepy statements such as ‘serial killer’, ‘Satan’s child’ or ‘don’t disturb’.