Secret life…Sgt Robert Kabera

Among other responsibilities, Sgt Robert Kabera is a former member of the Army Jazz Band who decided to become a solo musician. He has been in the music industry for quite a long time.Below, we have a glimpse into his personal life:The first thing you do in the morning I prayI pray and then go for sports

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Among other responsibilities, Sgt Robert Kabera is a former member of the Army Jazz Band who decided to become a solo musician. He has been in the music industry for quite a long time.

Below, we have a glimpse into his personal life:
The first thing you do in the morning I pray
I pray and then go for sports

When are you happiest? 
When I perform and realize my fans happy.

What has life taught you?
I know that what people do during their youth can determine the kind of life they will lead in their old age.

Affectionate memory of your parents
They were such loving and caring parents

Childhood memory
Can’t forget the day I was caned under my feet when I was 12.

During your free time
I meet with friends

Retirement plans
I will get involved in supporting up-coming musicians

Photo. G. Mugoya