A day in the life…Innocent Manzi

Innocent Manzi is a promoter of up-coming musicians. He says promoting others needs commitment.Below is how he goes on with his daily activities;I wake up at around 6a.m and check my phone for any missed calls. I then start my computer to check my mail and other links especially my sources about local entertainment.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Innocent Manzi is a promoter of up-coming musicians. He says promoting others needs commitment.

Below is how he goes on with his daily activities;I wake up at around 6a.m and check my phone for any missed calls. I then start my computer to check my mail and other links especially my sources about local entertainment.

At 7a.m, I have breakfast and head to town for personal work before I meet some musicians with whom I have appointments.

When I meet the musicians, I find out what they have done or what they intend to do so that I either link them to potential and interested sponsors or even advise them on a couple of things.

Most of the time, we discuss strategies to develop our music industry in comparison with that of our counterparts in the region and beyond.

At around 5p.m, I spend some time on the internet reading about development in the music industry of other countries. This gives me strategies of how I can easily get in touch with people in the same business.

This takes until 8p.m. If I have to update my website, this is time when I do so.  At around10p.m, I head home. For sure, I get there when I am tired that I only need to shower, have my meal and get to bed.

Photo. G. Mugoya