I hate people who…

…forget that that Facebook is a public forum. Cases of people who have lost jobs after posting malicious or careless statements on Facebook about their bosses or work in general are too many for me to write about.So I will just stick to hating the fools who keep doing the same annoying thing and expecting different results. Did you think that Facebook would pay you for the dumb post about how weak your bosses are or how you hate who you work for?

Saturday, August 06, 2011

…forget that that Facebook is a public forum.
Cases of people who have lost jobs after posting malicious or careless statements on Facebook about their bosses or work in general are too many for me to write about.

So I will just stick to hating the fools who keep doing the same annoying thing and expecting different results.
Did you think that Facebook would pay you for the dumb post about how weak your bosses are or how you hate who you work for?

Now you have lost a job yet Facebook has not lost any revenue. The last time I checked, there was no Facebook office in Rwanda so I even don’t know whether they cared about your job description.        

…turn city streets into living rooms for chatting.
Somehow I thought that adults really knew where to carry out their chat sessions from. It is really stupid to see two adults trying to hold a conversation while driving on the streets of Kigali.

The major culprits are some empty headed Moto Taxi drivers and even some adults with kids’ brains driving cars.
These fools slow down traffic as they try to yell to each other a lot of nonsense.

Police needs to arrest these people and seal their worthless lips for purposes of public safety. And by the way you fools who do this, you really look more foolish than I can describe here.

…overtake slowly and then flash their lights for oncoming traffic.
 I am compelled to think that some of these jokers only learnt how to drive using toy cars instead of real cars! How on earth can you convince me that you have a brain between your ears if you do not know that to overtake a moving car you have to be moving faster than it?

And after making the mistake you have the guts to flash your lights at those who are doing the right thing. Next time I am going to write down the registration plates of such jokers and beg Rwanda Police to revoke their driving schools. You need to stick to video games in my opinion.

…use lame excuses to cheat travellers.
 It was not for the high fuel prices I would stop using public transport for each time I use a commuter taxi I find myself hating someone. Don’t you just hate these amateur thieves called taxi conductors who charge you more for a journey by claiming they do not have smaller denomination coins to give you all your change?

Yet these same fools will insult your ancestors if you in turn failed to pay the whole fee.

I hate these guys so much that these days I move with coins of all denominations. You can cheat others but not me The Hater.  

…do not know how to manage websites.
It is very sickening that we have people calling themselves IT specialists while they continue to do a poor job.
I am talking of all those career pretenders who are paid to manage websites but end up doing such a shoddy job that you would even feel bored to do the job of sacking them.  They really deserve a slap in the teeth.

How else do you explain the fact that when I click on a link after one day it takes me to content different from what I saw the day before?

Why pay such useless characters? In my view they are like restaurants offering rotten food to loyal customers. Oh I hate you so much. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293