Schools start end of term exams

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — Scores of schools in Gatsibo district have began their end of first term exams.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


GATSIBO — Scores of schools in Gatsibo district have began their end of first term exams.

Some started on Monday March 10, while others begin today.

According to the deputy headmaster of Gabiro High School, Niyonzima, exams have begun earlier than usual to give teachers ample time to mark and prepare report forms for the students.

"Now that all the teachers had finished their syllabus for first term, it’s good that they give exams early in order to start marking early and making report forms," Niyonzima said.

He noted that when students start exams early, they are given enough time to revise, because the exams are reasonably spaced.

"Currently, students sit one to two exams a day which makes it easier for them to prepare for the next exam, because they are spaced," said Niyonzima.

The head master of Nyakayaga Secondary School, Francis Musafiri, said their students are beginning today and students were given enough time to prepare for the exams.

"The exams are beginning on Friday [today], currently every student is busy reading and getting ready for their exams," Musafiri told The New times early this week.

In the schools visited by our reporter, students were in examination mood, many students could be seen sitting under trees bending in books, and others were holding discussions in groups of five to 10 students.
