RDF completes rotation of peacekeepers in Darfur

The last batch of the 11th Infantry Battalion of Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) yesterday returned to the country after a nine-month of peacekeeping mission under the AU-UN Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) in North Sudan. A total of 266 RDF troops led by Rwanda’s Contingent Commander, Col. Emmanuel Karemera was the last group to return.

Thursday, August 04, 2011
Lt. Gen. Ceasar Kayizera (2nd L) welcomes Col. Emmanuel Karemera and his contigent back to the country The New Times /John Mbanda.

The last batch of the 11th Infantry Battalion of Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) yesterday returned to the country after a nine-month of peacekeeping mission under the AU-UN Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) in North Sudan.

A total of 266 RDF troops led by Rwanda’s Contingent Commander, Col. Emmanuel Karemera was the last group to return.

The soldiers, who upon arrival at Kigali International Airport at 3:45 pm, were welcomed by Lt. Gen. Caesar Kayizari, the RDF Chief of Staff, flanked by other senior RDF officials.

Addressing the troops, Kayizari hailed them for their dedicated service and commitment to restore peace in one of the most troubled areas on the continent.

"We thank you for the good work and resilience you demonstrated during your tour of duty and we are very glad to welcome you back home,” he told the soldiers.

Speaking to reporters upon arrival, Karemera expressed gratitude to be back after nine months of service in a foreign country.

"We are very happy to have returned home safely. During our assignment, we helped the Sudanese government to construct schools through "Umuganda” community work,” he stated.

RDF Spokesperson, Col Joseph Nzabamwita, said that the last group is part of the rotation process of the entire four battalions deployed in Sudan that started on June 26 this year.

 "This is the strongest operation according to military terms where 6,400 troops to and from, have been involved on rotational basis,” he said.

Nzabamwita stated that preparations are underway for another battalion to replace those already deployed in Sudan.

Rwanda maintains four battalions deployed under UNAMID comprising of over 3,200 soldiers.
