Rachel’s Ramblings

I once read in a book that no one had ever experienced love and that what we think is love is simply an infatuation of sorts.  Human beings wouldn’t know love if it was staring them in the face. How true that is, I’ll never know. But for reason’s sake, it sounded pretty wise.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Rachel Garuka

I once read in a book that no one had ever experienced love and that what we think is love is simply an infatuation of sorts. 

Human beings wouldn’t know love if it was staring them in the face. How true that is, I’ll never know. But for reason’s sake, it sounded pretty wise.

Being loved right by the wrong one is more like you loving someone who doesn’t love you back.  ‘I would do anything for you is over rated’ but there are a few people out there who actually mean it though they should add ‘within reason’ to that sentence.

That phrase to most people is always money related. It’s a shame. No body looks at it in the context of, if I were dying and the only thing to save me would be for you to chop off your right arm (assuming you are right handed), would you do it?

Would you die to save the one you love? And I’m not talking about your kids please. I’m talking about a man, a human being who could give you all the happiness there is to give if he wanted to or throw your world into complete turmoil just by walking away?

If you can that’s wonderful. Nothing beats sacrificing your life for the one you love. But when the tables are turned, would he do the same for you? Or would he be out of your life so fast he’d literally leave his man shaped hole in your door?

And yet this is the one you love; no matter how badly he mistreats you. Yet sadly somewhere out there is a man who not only dreams about you but prays for the day you could just give him a chance. The one who means it when he says he’d do anything for you, just say the word!

It’s always unfortunate that these are the ones we put aside as the sweetest friends but not exactly what we had in mind when we had dreams of our wedding day. Who we have in mind though and are clearly not giving up on is the one who keeps us crying every night. If you had a franc for every tear you shed since you met him, you’d be in the Forbes Magazine top 20 richest people!

This is why men think women are confused and do not know what they want. We spend half our lives waiting for Mr. Right, the one who will love us unconditionally and uncontrollably in every way humanly possible. Yet when he comes along, he just isn’t what we want and end up in relationships with other people for all the wrong reasons.

Two divorces, four kids and countless heartbreaks later, we reflect on that man we pushed away because we simply didn’t feel the same way. Sure he was just a doll but somehow your heart wasn’t into it.  You now wonder had you given him a chance, if you would’ve have learned to love him the way he loved you. Was that your shot at a happy life?

This is life. This is what we are supposed to go through. No one knows how things will turn out so it’s best not to ask ourselves those questions. Maybe it’s best not to ask questions you probably don’t want to know the answers to.

I know love cannot be forced but given the right time and with the one who gives you reason to love, it can surface. Isn’t that better than wasting perfectly good time on someone who will never love you back? Though I suggest you do it quickly because just like you, the one loving you right might wait too long and give up eventually.

After all, love does not come knocking on the door every day. We spend too much time gazing at the closed door to notice that a window has been opened that very moment. So maybe what comes through it is not in a package even half as juicy as what walked out, but happiness should be your number one priority!
