Don’t defy curfew

Since its holiday time, teenagers are getting involved in several activities. Joining peer groups or youth communities that are constructive is important. Let me give you a tip, they should highly discourage drinking of alcohol and drug abuse.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011
A teenager trying to pass through a window. Net photo

Since its holiday time, teenagers are getting involved in several activities. Joining peer groups or youth communities that are constructive is important. Let me give you a tip, they should highly discourage drinking of alcohol and drug abuse.

Activities such as sports, youth church gathering or coaching are extremely good during holidays since ‘an idle mind is the devil’s workshop’. 

However, it’s in such cases that some teenagers tend to lie to their parents about being busy about something important, yet they branch off elsewhere.

Your parents know everything you do out there; it’s called parental instinct, so watch out and know that you will be caught at any time. Don’t lie and respect curfew.

Don’t defy curfew! When your parent or guardian orders you to come home at a particular time, please respect it. Just know they have been teenagers before and they know the dangers of coming home late.

At the moment you feel like they are controlling you but you will be thankful to them one day when you are old enough to understand.

Those who defy curfew, try sneaking into the house which is most times dangerous. You could break a hand or leg while trying to pass through that window.

Some teenagers go as far as climbing fences, in order to go out.  I don’t know whether when they are doing so this question crosses their mind. 

God forbid! What will my parents think of me if something bad happens?  The rightful answer would be trust lost!

Regaining trust is so difficult compared to loosing it, therefore teenagers need talk to your parents about everything that is going on in your life. Even if it’s hanging out with friends, they have the right to know.

If you are caught up somewhere, try calling your parents and let them know. Never take that call for granted since it proves that you are responsible.