KIE students elect new guild leaders

The Students Union of Kigali Institute of Education (SUKIE) elected new officials for the 13th time since the creation of the union.Sam Murwanyashaka, a third-year student, was elected guild president, replacing Francis Ntaganira, while Aloys Munyentwari replaced Jean Bosco Rutikanga as vice president of the guild.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011
KIE Rector, Prof. George Njoroge, welcomes the newly elected student leaders at the varsity yesterday The New Times / John Mbanda

The Students Union of Kigali Institute of Education (SUKIE) elected new officials for the 13th time since the creation of the union.

Sam Murwanyashaka, a third-year student, was elected guild president, replacing Francis Ntaganira, while Aloys Munyentwari replaced Jean Bosco Rutikanga as vice president of the guild.

During the handover ceremony, Ntaganira highlighted the various achievements his team had accomplished during his tenure. "We acquired part-time jobs for students who could not afford to continue with their studies after the Ministry of Education scrapped student`s monthly stipend.” Ntaganira.

"We also closely followed up on issues of students missing out on the government scholarships list until the problem was solved.”

Ntaganira lauded the administration, saying it played a significant role in making the students’ body execute its duties.

Murwanyashaka promised to cooperate with the outgoing team to bring about positive change. 

Francine Kayitete was elected general secretary, while other posts include finance, public relations, persons with disabilities and students affairs.

KIE Rector, Professor George K. Njoroge, called on the incoming leadership to work hard. "The task you are undertaking needs sacrifice and commitment but you must balance it with studies.”
