Gicumbi authorities concerned over pregnancies in schools

GICUMBI - Gicumbi District authorities have expressed concern over the increasing rate of pregnancies in secondary schools.This follows the release of a report by Nation Women’s Council, indicating that 56 school girls in the district were found pregnant –The district with the highest figures.

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Gicumbi District Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi. The New Times /File

GICUMBI - Gicumbi District authorities have expressed concern over the increasing rate of pregnancies in secondary schools.

This follows the release of a report by Nation Women’s Council, indicating that 56 school girls in the district were found pregnant –The district with the highest figures.

In a meeting with head teachers and local leaders, it was disclosed that 21 of the girls were under 18-years.

According to the district officials, the schools’ administration has been reluctant to address the issue.

"It is a terrible issue here; girls impregnated are kind of a loss to the country because some tend to drop out from schools,” said Mayor Bonane Nyangezi.

He called on the school head teachers to protect the girls from pregnancy.

According to the management of APAPEGI CHURU secondary school situated in Rukomo Sector, most of the girls are impregnated while away from school. The  school had the highest victims with nine girls found pregnant in the months of May and June.

The vice president of the women’s council, Rose Uwizeye, said that additionalintervention of local leaders and the schools’ management is needed to deal with the issue.

"This figure is very alarming. More involvement of the parents in collaboration with the local leaders is needed,” said Uwizeye.

The district officials directed the head teachers to carry out pregnancy tests at the beginning and end of the school term.
