Perfect weekend…Uwamwezi Nadege

Uwamwezi Nadege a.k.a Queen Nadege is an up-coming female musician. She recently teamed-up with Assia to form a group of two local female artists called The Queens. Below is how she spends her weekend;My weekend starts on Friday at around 5p.m. I go for a one hour physical fitness exercise.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Uwamwezi Nadege a.k.a Queen Nadege is an up-coming female musician. She recently teamed-up with Assia to form a group of two local female artists called The Queens.

Below is how she spends her weekend;

My weekend starts on Friday at around 5p.m. I go for a one hour physical fitness exercise.

A few minutes past 6 p.m, I am at home either watching a movie or listening to music. On Saturday, I wake –up at around 8a.m.

I have breakfast and get involved in domestic work. After lunch, I rest until 3p.m. I then go meet one of my friends.

At 4p.m, we go out either to Lemigo or Umubano hotel. I love the two places because of the nice swimming pools. I also enjoy drinks but leave early to plan for the next program.

If I happen to go out, I head for Planet Club at around 10p.m. I love dancing with colleagues but the most interesting is the wine and fun I have there.

I sometimes leave the club at around 4a.m. However, if I happen not to go out, I wake-up early on Sunday to attend the morning service.

By 1p.m on Sunday, I am home. I then plan for what I have to do on Monday. I spend the evening listening to my music until supper time. I go to bed at 10p.m.

That makes my weekend perfect.

Photo G. Mugoya