Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a young married man with two beautiful children and an adorable wife. When I married my wife five years ago she was such a fashionista. She knew what to wear at what time any day of the week.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a young married man with two beautiful children and an adorable wife. When I married my wife five years ago she was such a fashionista. She knew what to wear at what time any day of the week.

Her hair was never out of place no matter what. Unfortunately five years down the line and two children to boot, my wife has turned from a beautiful woman to an ugly duckling.

She seems not to have time to make herself beautiful nor make an effort to look smart. She has also gained weight in all the wrong places.

Every time I suggest that she makes time for herself-she says she has no time. I now dread to take a look at my wife because I am no longer attracted to her.

Please, help me I love her very much but she needs to do something.

Dear Bryan, When women get children their priorities change from ‘me and us’ to ‘my children’. It is a lot of effort to take care of a child let alone children.

Unfortunately some women take parenting as serious as it comes and they end up forgetting themselves completely.

While other mothers like the Victoria Beckhams’ of this world can have as many as four children and still look super hot one week after having a baby, other women go down the drain after babies.

I am sure your wife is not aware that her weight gain and not taking care of herself is very disturbing to you. Most women go through postpartum depression immediately after having the baby, and as a result they forget themselves completely until when they wake up one day and realise what was happening.

This happens because some women cannot deal with the overwhelming responsibilities that come with having a baby, work and taking care of the family so they end up getting really frustrated.

What you need to do is to initiate a talk with your wife about what is disturbing her. After which you can promise to help her with the children when you are at home so that she feels less burdened.

This way you will interest her and in return you can get her to do all the things that make her look the way you want. For example you can volunteer to stay with the children when she goes to the gym to work out on her weight.

You can also volunteer to take her to the saloon to make her hair, where as a gesture of love sit behid her and help her choose a new hairdo.

Help her follow her new beauty regimen religiously all the way until she gets her groove back, and then spend some money, brother, on your wife. Take her shopping on new clothes, shoes, bags even new sexy lingerie.

Believe you me if you promise your lady love above all, you will be good to show the love of your life to your friends once again, and this time round nobody will ask if she is your mother.
