Teenagers should drop non-issues

When I was a teenager, my friends and I would fuss about the fact that we had to keep our hair an inch short at school. Some students preferred taking expulsions and suspensions to cutting off their hair. While there were others who insisted on keeping their nails long and painted and their uniforms short and way above the knees. In my high school, it was against the school rules to wear open shoes or earrings.

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Following school rules at high school is positive conduct.

When I was a teenager, my friends and I would fuss about the fact that we had to keep our hair an inch short at school. Some students preferred taking expulsions and suspensions to cutting off their hair.

While there were others who insisted on keeping their nails long and painted and their uniforms short and way above the knees. In my high school, it was against the school rules to wear open shoes or earrings.

However, there were students who totally failed to comply! They insisted and wore the forbidden earrings, cut their uniforms short, wore open shoes, grew their hair and nails. Having cell phones and radios was also a crime at school.

Ofcourse this was defined as contempt against the school rules and regulations. Many students got themselves suspended and others expelled simply because they thought they needed these petty items so bad.

I have been there, done that and I can only say; it wasn’t worth it! When I look back, I realize it was just a waste of precious time. We should have practiced our maths, revised the pile of history notes instead of beefing and gossiping about teacher X who complained about our long hair and open shoes.

Seriously, how do you go home and tell your parents that you have been expelled for refusing to trim your hair or for shortening your uniform dress? It doesn’t make any sense. Why would you want your hair long at school, nails painted and skirt cut short if it’s against the school rules? Who are you trying to impress?

These are things that should be non-issues for teenagers. They are not important at all at school. Well, it is okay to have some clean fun but it shouldn’t be achieved this way.

I personally hated those lecturers of, "all you should concentrate on now is your books.” Today, I realize that the advice was constructive. Yes, all you should concentrate on is your books and not try to impress those little teenage boys and girl friends who still pack Quencher to school, still sleep on triple-deckers and are still dependant on their parents. You shouldn’t impress the big men and women either because they will only lie to you, use you and make you regret. They can’t really have a serious relationship with a teenager because it would be a shame for them. They can only use you and dump you like toilet paper. You probably said, Ewww, gross or wack …exactly that is what the world will say about you if you indulge in such!

Quit concentrating on non-issues and pay attention to your books. All that fun and much more will come later on in life when you have made enough money from your success to enjoy it. That is when you will realize that it was worth waiting for. It will even be more fun if you didn’t waste your teenage years but got your good grades then and a clean reputation.
