Poem: HIV virus

HIV has been a hot topic for discussions by everyone- the government, doctors, media, people and youth. What has made it popular is the sad fact that it is one of the deadliest diseases without any real cure. Around the globe, everyone is talking about taking preventive measures against this disease. I therefore, chose to write a poem to vent out my thoughts and knowledge regarding this virus.

Thursday, July 28, 2011
AIDS knows no age, race, nationality or status.

HIV has been a hot topic for discussions by everyone- the government, doctors, media, people and youth. What has made it popular is the sad fact that it is one of the deadliest diseases without any real cure. Around the globe, everyone is talking about taking preventive measures against this disease. I therefore, chose to write a poem to vent out my thoughts and knowledge regarding this virus.

HIV is a virus so tiny,
but, causes suffering to many.
Moment it enters the body of one,
leashes disease disaster, sparing no one.
King or clergy,   man, woman or kid,
all can catch it, if not alert and well equipped,
if you wish to live with pride
Healthy and happy throughout your life
Say no to unsafe injections and sex,
Eat what is best for your health,
Run and play for sometime everyday
Do not let illness obstruct your way.

The writer is a grade 12 students at Green Hills academy.
