Why inner beauty is essential

Recently, The New Times reported that plans were underway to start Plastic surgery operations at Kanombe Military Hospital. This brought me to the issue of women spending lump sums of cash on cosmetic surgery in an effort to look beautiful.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Recently, The New Times reported that plans were underway to start Plastic surgery operations at Kanombe Military Hospital.

This brought me to the issue of women spending lump sums of cash on cosmetic surgery in an effort to look beautiful.

Globally, several women spend a fortune just to look beautiful. If a thorough check was done in most women’s handbags, one would think it is a cosmetic shop. Every brand of make-up that helps enhance beauty is available for use.

It is great that women put a little or whatever effort to look beautiful but could it be that there are areas in our lives we ignore that also need to be beautified?

Could it be that there is beauty that is beneath the surface and is still visible to all? Is outer beauty all that matters? One may also wonder if outer beauty can cover up for what lies in the heart and soul. Answer is no. Sooner than later the real person will come out.

Much as we try hard to look beautiful on the outside, we also need to work on other elements that seem unseen but are visible in a way. Our hearts need to be beautiful too.

Physical beauty isn’t all that matters! What’s on the inside is equally vital. The things we say, think and do, contribute a great deal to our beauty. One might have a Halle Berry look, but if she’s got an ugly heart, her beauty will cease to be.

Danson Musoni, 29 years, says that a woman with a bad reputation and character can never be ideal for a man with serious intentions.

"Of course men are fascinated by outer beauty but we also mind a lot about reputation, attitude and behaviour. We love beautiful women but beauty goes deeper that curvy bodies and make-up,” Musoni says.

Musoni adds that he is personally put off by women who are vulgar. He says that however much a woman has those stunning looks but her mouth is dirty, then her beauty is nothing, matter of fact, she starts looking ugly.

"I sometimes relate beautiful women with ugly hearts, words and attitudes to a scripture in the Bible that talks about a pig that has been adorned with fine jewelry. It will still look ugly,” irritably retorts Musoni.

Faith Mutamuliza, 25 years, says that many women only concentrate on their external beauty yet they are rotting on the inside.

She advises that women should also pay as much attention in beautifying their character. They also should treat others with love, that way, they will be wholly beautiful.
