Learn to behave in public

Dear Editor, Allow me space to express a complaint to passengers who talk at the top of their lungs, revealing their secrets, in public transport. I think that behaving decently doesn’t require one to sit in class and attend lectures about how to handle themselves in public!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dear Editor,

Allow me space to express a complaint to passengers who talk at the top of their lungs, revealing their secrets, in public transport. I think that behaving decently doesn’t require one to sit in class and attend lectures about how to handle themselves in public!

Sometime back I traveled to Bugesera. Apart from the fact that the driver was making many stopovers, there was a group of women in this taxi that got on my nerves with their uncalled for conversations, the women were like they wanted every one there to know what was happening in their lives. They shouted on top of their voices about things I grew up knowing as private.

People should remember that taxis are just like any other public place, where different people of different status meet and join the journey. This doesn’t mean that people with wicked characters should use this as an opportunity to reveal their burning secrets and all wicked words.

Remember that decency is the only weapon to fight arrogance and ill-mannered behaviour.

Certainly, we always remember to revise our conversations before revealing them to the public, in order to avoid misinterpretations.
