Musoni launches community radio in Gicumbi

GICUMBI - The Minister of Cabinet, Protais Musoni, has disclosed that the government is targeting to have it population media literate.Musoni made the remarks, yesterday, while launching Gicumbi District Community Radio in Byumba Sector, Gicumbi District.

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Minister Protais Musoni inaugurating Gicumbi community radio (Photo F.Ndoli)

GICUMBI - The Minister of Cabinet, Protais Musoni, has disclosed that the government is targeting to have it population media literate.

Musoni made the remarks, yesterday, while launching Gicumbi District Community Radio in Byumba Sector, Gicumbi District.

"This radio has come at a right time where the government longs to have media literate communities,” Musoni said, adding that the government yearns for better informed and active residents, who participate in the development of the country.

He called upon the residents to apply the constructive ideas broadcast by the radio and participate in ongoing debates as they now have a forum.

"The media helps the communities to know what is good and bad for them, so use it wisely,” he stressed.

Ishingiro Radio is the eighth community radio launched in the country.

The radio was the idea of Byumba residents who were members of the Development Association of Byumba. It later changed its name to Association for Social-welfare.

The radio currently reaches 13 districts in the country.

The Northern Province Governor, Aime Bosenibamwe, said that the media acts as a link between the government and the people.

"There is no development without involvement of the media,” Bosenibamwe said.

Ishingiro Radio has for the past week been on a test run.

The radio was established with funding from the US government.
