Man arrested for defiling 4-year old

KARONGI- An employee of Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) in Karongi District is under police custody for allegedly defiling a four year-old girl.Augustine Habineza, 41, was arrested, Friday, following a tip off from the girl’s mother.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

KARONGI- An employee of Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) in Karongi District is under police custody for allegedly defiling a four year-old girl.

Augustine Habineza, 41, was arrested, Friday, following a tip off from the girl’s mother.

Witnesses say that the young girl had spent the day at Habineza’s place when the unfortunate incident allegedly occurred.

"The girl’s mother and Habineza’s wife are friends and her daughter sometimes spends time at Habineza’s home. That’s how it happened,” a neighbour identified as Mutoni told The Sunday Times.

Habineza is accused by two women who claim that it is a common practice for this man to chase young girls around.

"My daughter complained of pain and when I asked, she immediately said that it is Habineza who caused the pain,” the girl’s mother said.

Medical examinations at Kibuye hospital proved that the girl was sexually assaulted.

However, Habineza vehemently denies the accusations saying he was framed because of a standoff between the two families.

"The girl’s mother has a long standing dispute with my wife. Those accusations against me are false,” Habineza said upon arrest.
