Life is What You Make It

So everybody’s treating you unfair? Do you feel like screaming loudly on top of your roof about how unfairly you are being treated at home, in school, at the work place etc. don’t fret because that is just life.We can all never be equal. There is you and Usain Bolt, you and Bill Gates, you and Nelson Mandela, you and Lionel Messi, you and Michael Jackson, the list is endless.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

So everybody’s treating you unfair? Do you feel like screaming loudly on top of your roof about how unfairly you are being treated at home, in school, at the work place etc. don’t fret because that is just life.

We can all never be equal. There is you and Usain Bolt, you and Bill Gates, you and Nelson Mandela, you and Lionel Messi, you and Michael Jackson, the list is endless.

Note the common denominator in that list – the fact everybody else you are comparing with yourself is good at something while you are not, at that particular thing at least, while they are the best in their field.

While Gates is struggling to give money away, you are looking for it in every nook and corner, and while Bolt just bolts away without any care in the world to a new 100m world record, you are panting like a pig only after going up one set of stairs.

From the day, you are born, the race of survival begins. If you fail to compete, you fall away and spend the rest of your life regretting why you did not win the lottery or the last Bralirwa or MTN draw for cash.

Life is not stuff for a sitting duck. That is why those on top of their game don’t really worry about how tough the race is but how enjoyable it is to be closer or at number one itself.

The World according to the blog Xenocrates, life is all about survival. Survival is all about competition. There would be no point of there being a competition if we all were made exactly identical to each other.

We may all be of the same general design, but where the environment is concerned, some of us are much better implemented than others. That’s why only the fittest will survive while even the fit, will perish.

So if one is ready to live life, they should be ready to run the race and in that race everybody, poor or rich, tall or short, white or black have to survive. Be it jobs, food, finding mates or spouses, we all have to compete or die away.

You can decide to sit there and waste yourself, claiming that you are not lucky or have a poor background or one of the other million excuses that you can conjure up.

But instead, you can just stand up to the world and craft a path for your life. Stand up to the man or woman that you are and believe that those on top are simply keeping your position waiting for you to arrive.

Who knew that Tiger Woods would take a year without winning a tournament? Obviously he worked his way up and everything that goes up comes down. The trick is in knowing to go down graciously, and make sure that what you get and what you do when you are up, is the insurance for the rest of your life, however low you fall.

Remember that Life is what you make it. Nobody is born knowing they are going to be a sportsman or priest. Some sit there and let their parents dictate often ending not to their wishes while others wait to collide with the rest of their life accidentally as it comes.

Others make their own life and refuse to be pulled down by environments, opinions, experts, families and what not.

This Sunday, determine how you want the day to go!