Shaping and reviving the lives of the youth

We can disagree to agree that the church is one of the institutions that can greatly influence the lives of the youth in our society. The church as whole aims at shaping and reviving the lives of the youth especially in this once heartbroken society.With this dot com generation, the youth today need to revive their relationship with God, being the Country’s future leaders.The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, the bible so tells us.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Healing Center worship team sets the praise fire blazing.(Photo TKisambira)

We can disagree to agree that the church is one of the institutions that can greatly influence the lives of the youth in our society. The church as whole aims at shaping and reviving the lives of the youth especially in this once heartbroken society.

With this dot com generation, the youth today need to revive their relationship with God, being the Country’s future leaders. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, the bible so tells us.

Therefore, Rwanda is working hard to shape and revive her youth through the church which instills this fear for God in them.

Through church programmes such as the conference that will be held from 24th July – 31st July entitiled, "Youth in revival times” which is an annual youth conference that is organized by Healing Centre Remera Church. This is the third time it is going to take place.

It is an open conference for the youth across the country, regardless of the religious denomination one belongs to.

"We have invited many preachers from across the globe, USA, Uganda, Burundi and many more including our very own, for example Pastors: Patrick Twagirayezu, Paddy Musoke e.t.c. The conference officially begins on Sunday at 4:00 pm till 7:30 pm throughout the week.” says Pastor Emmanuel Ntayomba, senior pastor Healing center Remera Church and the host as well.

He also adds that, "last year’s conference was extremely productive despite the fact that I was in Germany but I followed all that was taking place. We saw God perform miracles and wonders among the youth and therefore expect even greater things this time round.

The youth gave their lives to Christ and others got their lives revived and this was and is our prayer.”

"The conference gives a spiritual feel of life to the youth, this helps them to run away from the worldly pleasures and focus on God as the best source of happiness, this comes as a result of listening to the many preachers and gospel artistes who are invited to minister to this young generation,” discloses Damien Gato who serves as the coordinator for the conference.

There will also be lots of entertainment, many gospel artists from across the globe, our very own for example TLC, Gaby e.t.c as well as different worship teams that will be there to set the praise and worship blazing.

"Even in doing God’s work there are challenges, it’s never a straight path for one to just roll on. It needs lots of finances for such a conference so I would encourage organizations to come up and also invest in the work of God by sponsoring such events.

If the secular events can be sponsored why not invest in doing the work of God for the sake of our youth and Country,” adds Gato.

Anne Uwera, a Christian from Zion Temple can hardly wait for Sunday to come because she had lots of fun and learnt a lot from last year’s youth conference.

"I call upon those who missed the conference last year to make it a point to turn up for this one. You will not be left the same; it comes once a year so you miss if you must.” says Uwera with lots of excitement.