Muslims donate cash, food to quake victims

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — The Association of African Muslims (AAM) over the weekend donated Frw2millions and a variety of foodstuffs worth Frw8 millions to victims of the recent earthquake that hit Rusizi district.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


RUSIZI — The Association of African Muslims (AAM) over the weekend donated Frw2millions and a variety of foodstuffs worth Frw8 millions to victims of the recent earthquake that hit Rusizi district.

While handing over the items to the victims at Kamembe Mosque, in Kamembe sector, Sheikh Cassim Nzanahayo urged all people with financial ability in the region to feel the plight of the victims without segregation.

"We Muslims as God’s servants decided to help our compatriots who were devastated by the quake because helping the needy is part of our religious obligations. But it’s also high time for all religions and Rwandans in general to help these victims without discrimination," Sheikh Nzanahayo said.

The items were given to 40 families, but 20 families that were severely affected, out of the 40, were given Frw118,000 cash each that would be used in reconstructing their houses.

Each household also got 100 kilograms of rice and maize flour. They also received utensils and scholastic materials that included books, pens, calculators and pencils.

The Muslims later also delivered the same quantity of food stuffs and same amount of money to Nyamasheke district leaders for similar victims of the February earthquake.
