Discussing hair issues with three of my friends one afternoon, one of them confessed of having a dry scalp for reasons she did not know.She is not alone in this predicament, many people especially women have dry scalps and do not know how to go about it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Discussing hair issues with three of my friends one afternoon, one of them confessed of having a dry scalp for reasons she did not know.

She is not alone in this predicament, many people especially women have dry scalps and do not know how to go about it.

A dry scalp can embarrass one without their knowledge, because of the itchy sensation that one feels and hence one can forget where they are and end up scratching their scalps absent mindedly.

It is not easy to know how one develops a dry scalp, but hair specialists have made it easy for us to treat the dry scalp by advising us to buy the right products.

First and foremost, when going to the saloon it is good to note how your hair is being washed. Hair should not be shampooed more than three times-because shampoos can cause dryness of the scalp when overused.

Two washes of a shampoo and one wash of a conditioner is good enough to make the hair clean and to protect the moisture on the scalp which prevents dryness on the scalp.

Also it is advised to always make sure that before using any shampoo read the instructions and the contents carefully; this will help in knowing the kind of product that you are dealing with and how to use it.

A hydrating shampoo like the Vitale Sensitive Scalp is the best that I have found in the market for dry scalps. Vitale sensitive scalp relieves scalp problems that go beyond the fight against dry scalp and dandruff.

It soothes balances and controls underlying scalp conditions including tightness, itching, tenderness, tension and irritation.

Formulated with a special blend of antioxidants, vitamins, essential oils and active ingredients, it restores the scalp back to normal conditions in case of dryness.

Women with the problem of dry scalp can help themselves by making sure that at least once every month the hair is treated to hair vitamins like the Vitale hair mayonnaise.

As much as the mayonnaise helps the weak and fragile hair to regain its elasticity, the mayonnaise also helps in retaining the moisture on the scalp which is needed in protecting the scalp against dryness.

A dry scalp also needs root therapy oil. This root therapy oil stimulates the hair growth and reduces damage to the hair, strengthens hair root and nourishes the scalp by eliminating dryness and itchiness completely, Vitale olive oil root therapy can do the trick.

One might ask why the Vitale olive oil products, this is because a person with a problem of dry scalp is advised to use hair products which are made from natural botanical extracts like oat protein, vitamins, egg proteins and of course the most important of the ingredients being the olive oil.

Eating a healthy diet and drinking lots of water might go a long way in helping to treat dry scalp, but then it advised that if quality hair products have been used and they do not help with the condition, an appointment with a doctor might be necessary so that it can be determined whether it’s not a serious problem like the psoriasis which need a prescription therapy to relieve the scalp from dryness.

After using these Vitale products to treat her dry scalp, my friend is now a happy woman.