Wash passengers’ helmets you motorists!

Dear Editor I am a regular reader of your newspaper. Allow me to extend my satisfaction to the motorists

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dear Editor

I am a regular reader of your newspaper. Allow me to extend my satisfaction to the motorists

The motorists nowadays have improved on their hygiene; they have begun to wash their clothes, bathe, and even pay attention to the cleanliness of their motorbikes.

The very effort also has reduced the number of accident caused by the motorbikes and

the discomfort of the passengers who could cause accidents in tying to avoid the bad smell piercing their nostrils.

The passengers have not been feeling ok with the odour that used to come out from the motorists but their helmets seem to have remained allergic to water and detergent. Please motorists, wash your helmets with the same due attention you give to the immaculate appearance of your motorbikes. Otherwise on the whole you are now ok. But this helmet thing should be given all urgency!
