Bugesera Airport design report to be released next month

The Minister of Infrastructure, Albert Nsengiyunva, yesterday, said that a detailed technical design report for the Bugesera Airport construction project will be released next month.Nsengiyunva was addressing the media on a wide range of issues regarding national infrastructure development and the progress of other related projects.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Infrastructure Minister, Albert Nsengiyumva

KIGALI - The Minister of Infrastructure, Albert Nsengiyunva, yesterday, said that a detailed technical design report for the Bugesera Airport construction project will be released next month.

Nsengiyunva was addressing the media on a wide range of issues regarding national infrastructure development and the progress of other related projects.

"The Airport project is progressing steadily and as soon as the study is complete, developers will come in,” Nsengiyunva said.

The government contracted TPS Consult to come up with a detailed design for all buildings and infrastructure of the airport.

Among other issues discussed included progress on the regional railway project and measures to be taken to ensure increased electricity production at Lake Kivu.

"We are now in the final stages to identify and contract the best firm that will take on the railway design study,” he said.

Commenting on the ongoing road construction, the minister said that the government will put more emphasis on constructing roads in rural areas.

The Minister, however, raised concern about local firms not being competitive enough to take on infrastructure development projects.
