Why are we here ?

Recently somebody forwarded me a message on my e-mail, which is as follows, “We know all about the stars, the moon and sun, but do not know as to why we are here”?It was indeed thought provoking.Man has advanced way ahead in science and technology. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Recently somebody forwarded me a message on my e-mail, which is as follows, "We know all about the stars, the moon and sun, but do not know as to why we are here”?

It was indeed thought provoking.  Man has advanced way ahead in science and technology.

The scientific discoveries, inventions and explorations done over the past 100 years or so have simply been amazing and new things are being added to it.

But along with these scientific advancements, whether man ever tried to discover himself or the cause for his existence, is a debatable question.

In the biological evolution of species, man has emerged as the superior most, intelligent species.Through his intelligence he has conquered beasts having far greater physical strength, dug out precious stones from the bowel of the earth and has even travelled in space.

But in spite of such advancements, he has failed to discover himself and the true essence of his existence.

A man is not merely a biological creation, but possesses intellect for prudence and spirit for compassion which other creatures lack.

At the physical level, one has deviated far from nature and thus spoilt his physical health. Due to unnatural artificial living, unhealthy food habits, people suffer from many types of chronic diseases for which no root cure is available.

In spite of much advancement, people are not happy mentally. Material advancement has led to increased greed to acquire more material comforts. Austerity and contentment seem to be lacking in the lives of majority of people.

This has generated many mental problems like anxiety, depression, insomnia, e.t.c., which aggravate the physical chronic problems like hypertension, diabetes.

Another responsibility which lies with man is conservation and protection of other living species as he is advanced than them.

Man has failed in this aspect also.  Extensive development with disregard to nature has damaged nature severely.

This mistake has been realized now with harmful effects being manifest in the form of extreme climatic changes, earthquakes, e.t.c.

There are wars, conflicts and violence in various forms in many parts of the world. Precious funds which could provide food and clothes for every mortal on this earth are being used for making arms and ammunition. 

The perpetuators and their victims, both are diverting useful resources in the manufacture or purchase of arms.

It needs a moment for everyone to ponder as to what is happening around?

Man has been created to make the earth a better place and not to wreck havoc with it.

The basic underlying cause for all this chaos is the ego problems, greed and jealousy of men. Though man is superior in evolution, he has not been able to overcome these feeling which are, basically animal instincts.

Self control, mental discipline, love, generosity, tolerance, e.t.c. are finer virtues which are inherently present in men. But unfortunately in most of the people they lie dormant and go unnoticed. 

Instead of trying to recognize and develop them, people give in to their lower instincts only. Today the need of the hour is that people learn to recognize and sharpen their fine inbuilt natural qualities.

Self control is the first of such qualities. Being in possession of supreme intellect a person should have control over his physical senses.

He should also have the wisdom to make a right choice and discard anything that is harmful for him and others.  If this simple thing is exercised by the public, many of the health related problems can be solved easily.

Happiness is a characteristic present naturally in the human soul and spirit. But individuals search for it outside in material things.

One who cares to look inside and finds it, always remains happy, whatever the circumstances.

If all learn to love and respect other human beings, irrespective of race, creed, status, or nationality, there would be no disputes or wars anywhere.

When all people think about positive development and put in their skills and energy for the same, there will be immense development, without harming nature in any way.

We are here to help in that kind of development of the universe where all survive and progress in harmony with nature.  All have to make efforts in that direction.
