Health: Peeling of the skin

Peeling of the skin is a worrisome condition. Here there is damage and loss of upper layer of skin called epidermis. This is troublesome for the affected person as well as the family members.This condition can occur in any age group, in either men or women, but the causes may be different.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Peeling of the skin is a worrisome condition. Here there is damage and loss of upper layer of skin called epidermis. This is troublesome   for the affected person as well as the family members.

This condition can occur in any age group, in either men or women, but the causes may be different. The peeling may be patchy in multiple places or localized to one part of the body or generalized, depending on the cause.

Allergy to drugs, or chemicals present in cosmetics or food substances, is the most common cause of peeling of the skin. In severe cases, there may be involvement of the entire body, mucous membrane of the mouth and lips and angry looking rashes or blisters occur with sloughing of the skin.

This occurs after taking the offending drug or exposure to the chemical or any allergy producing substance in any way.

If left untreated, such severe allergy can be fatal. With adequate treatment, one can recover fully. Removal of the substance producing such allergy   helps in complete recovery of the skin back to normal.

Direct prolonged exposure to sunlight also causes denudation or peeling of skin, more so in people who are not accustomed to it.

In this one develops red patches and blotches over the face and other exposed parts of the body.  Similarly excess dryness   of the skin can also induce removal of the epidermis in parts along with cracks.

Staphylococcal infections as such produce boils and abscess in any person, but in infants and toddlers, they can produce generalized peeling of the skin of the body.

This condition is known as Staphylococcal scalding syndrome this peeling may be accompanied by high grade fever and blisters or ulcerations.

An autoimmune condition called Kawasaki disease can also cause extensive desquamation of the skin in palms and soles.

Here the body does not recognize its own proteins and produces antibodies against it.    

This is mainly a disease of toddlers and infants and is more common in Japan and Korea but does occur in other parts of the world also.

Vitamin deficiencies or toxicities may manifest as desquamation of the skin.

Superficial fungal infections of any part of the body result in intense intermittent itching and also peeling of the superficial skin layer.

Mostly this is localized to the part affected, which are commonly warm and moist parts of the body. It is visible in form of patchy scaling and desquamation on the palms and soles.

Eczematous dermatitis is also one of the causes for a desquamated skin. In this there may be patchy denudation of skin along with other skin lesions.

As such peeling of the skin looks bad cosmetically, thus the sufferer becomes stressed. If the cause is not detected and treated, it can continue unabated affecting more and more parts.

Severity of the lesions depends on the underlying cause and whether any intervention is done for its treatment.

The denuded part can develop infection with bacteria or fungus. Bad looking sores or ulcers may occur over affected part.

Bacterial infection if occurs   can turn into generalized sepsis, particularly in children and elderly people or weak immune compromised persons.

Much more than these, there is a risk of permanent scarring and or discoloration of the skin.

Treatment of the peeled skin depends on the underlying cause. It can be as simple as using a sunscreen lotion to prevent sunburn or Vaseline to prevent dryness of skin.

Anti-allergy drugs or injections are used in case of peeling caused due to allergy. Whereas anti-infective agents are used to treat the infections causing this condition. Corticosteroids are used to treat the inflammation.

Small precautions observed can prevent development of this condition. If once somebody has developed allergy in this form due to any known drug or chemical, he should avoid it.

Keeping the body clean and dry,helps to prevent fungal and staphylococcal infections.  Similarly avoiding direct exposure to strong sunlight is also useful.