Living Life: Chart your own path

There is so much negativity in this world, if it’s not suicide bombings in the Indian subcontinent, it is one natural disaster or the other or some financial crisis that world leaders have to contend with.People are so obsessed about escaping poverty than amassing wealth, more about surviving than reaching financial freedom.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

There is so much negativity in this world, if it’s not suicide bombings in the Indian subcontinent, it is one natural disaster or the other or some financial crisis that world leaders have to contend with.

People are so obsessed about escaping poverty than amassing wealth, more about surviving than reaching financial freedom.

We spend so much time trying to eradicate this or the other disease instead of focusing on feeding and leading a healthy life so that we can fight off these diseases naturally.

Others are obsessed with reducing their weight instead of trying not to increase weight at all. We live in a world where we are constantly fighting the negative instead of trying to draw the positive towards ourselves. 

It has been said and proved numerous times that if you think about something so intensely, it eventually comes to pass.

The human brain has that ability to create ways where there is no way by giving complete focus on it. For example in matters of religion, faith is arguably one thing that keeps followers constantly devoted to their calling.

People believe in miracles and they indeed happen. In politics, charismatic individuals are able to lead a group of people into believing into a vision that eventually comes to pass. 

The human brain hence has the power to make the impossible, possible. Usually, this is done if a goal is deeply engraved into one’s subconscious.

Have you met people who are so mad about something that they can chorus or sing it even if you woke them up from deep sleep? 

In the same way, if the media and the whole world are constantly yelling out that Africans are poor, diseased and war ravaged fellows, you begin to believe in that whole sense of pessimism, even if you see progress being made everyday with your own eyes. 

One way of keeping yourself focused on your goals is by making regular reality checks with your progress and your beliefs. One must learn to be self-centred at one point although that may appear selfish in one way.

But in this world, everybody thinks they know what is best for everyone else. If you try to aggregate what everyone else thinks of you into your set of values and beliefs, then you are lost sheep.

Instead you should try to intensely refine your own identify and project it outwards like a fountain. 

By doing this you succeed in making others think or believe in what you want them to do. Take for example, Nelson Mandela, they call you a terrorist, they banish you to an island, and you still ring one word – freedom, until even your jailers begin to believe in your story and forget the story they are told by those who pay them.

Think Obama, a black man who constantly tells you he can deliver change you can believe in so much so that everybody just falls for the story.

Even worse, Adolf Hitler, who so ferociously showed his spite against Jews that almost the whole of Germany believed him – although you should not use your brain power to harness negative energy like him. 

In this world, in order to be significant, you have got to be brave enough to chart your own path. The potential is all within you to be anything you want to be. 

Have a charismatic Sunday!