Games and sports time: Sports is good for children

Dear children, sports and games you play are very good for you. Participation in sports can promote health especially personal health and fitness.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dear children, sports and games you play are very good for you. Participation in sports can promote health especially personal health and fitness.

Sports help you to develop a positive self-image and teach children how to work with others as a team. While playing different games and sports, children learn how to manage success and disappointment.

It develops social competence like ability to get along with and be accepted by peers, family members, teachers, and coaches. Children learn to assess their social competence in sports through the feedback received from parents and coaches.

Because children often use social comparison as a way of determining their ability in sport, children get many opportunities to determine their ability compared with others on their team.

The role of parents and coaches is to help children understand their strengths and weaknesses in a sport. Help a child to be physically fit by helping him or her join the sports club.
