Children speak out on women’s day

March 8th is an international women’s day. The children times spoke to Kigali Junior Academy children. The children were so happy with their mothers. Here are some of the lovely messages they sent to their mothers.

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 8th is an international women’s day. The children times spoke to Kigali Junior Academy children. The children were so happy with their mothers. Here are some of the lovely messages they sent to their mothers.

Keza Evelyn, P.2

Mothers are very good to us; they feed us and buy us nice clothes. Dear mummy, I just want to tell you that I love you, may you live to be the best woman on this earth.

Ivan Mwine, P.1

Mothers are so special; they give birth to young ones. Mothers give good care to their children. I wish to be with mummy for the rest of my life, she is so loving and caring.

Joel Ntwali, P.2

Our mothers take us to the hospital when we are sick, they are kind people. Dear mummy thank you very much for your love and care that you have always showed me, I love you. 

Nganji Anthony, P.2

Women play a big part in our every day life; they know the right things to pack for children while going to school. My mother packs for me juice and bread always for my break at school. I love mummy with all my heart.
