Is he worth taking your life?

There’s been too much fuss around the social networks and media about the 19 year old strikingly beautiful Burundian girl who committed suicide all because some guy was cheating on her.When I read the story online, I was filled with rage and my first reaction was, “how dare you!!! For a man?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There’s been too much fuss around the social networks and media about the 19 year old strikingly beautiful Burundian girl who committed suicide all because some guy was cheating on her.

When I read the story online, I was filled with rage and my first reaction was, "how dare you!!! For a man?

Now don’t get me wrong, my mind was a bag of sentiments at that moment. Feelings of remorse, fury and dislike for the man who made her take her precious life filled my mind.

I definitely sympathized with the dear girl who probably hadn’t fully discovered her worth.

Quite a number of stories have been coming up everyday regarding her death but bottom line is there is no man worth taking your life.

So many girls think they are crazy in love and when he ever lives or hurts her, self destruction will be her next best option. Others could be in a relationship that seems to be hitting the edge and therefore contemplating suicide.

Just to re-emphasize so it sinks in every woman’s mind, no man in the whole wide world is worth making you commit suicide.

Even after settling in a relationship, there is always at least three other men look up to you (woman), some of whom could be meeting your ideal qualities or even exceed them.

There are always other secret admirers who might just hold their peace and never admit they have a crash on you just because they know it perfectly, that you are in a relationship.

So with all the many potential men in the world, why would a woman have the audacity to go that extra mile and take her life just because of a man?

Besides that, suicide isn’t a solution. It only shows that one doesn’t have even a grain of hope. It shows how you aren’t mindful of the great future that awaits you.

It reveals that your life revolves around that one man and nothing else in the world matters to you.

Brenda Munyana says her relationship has been on the rocks several times but suicide would be the extreme and she would never do it for a man.

"There are other people that are dearer to life than spouses and family tops the list. Think of how your family will go through the pain of losing you.Besides, every relationship has its bad moments,” adds Munyana.

Whatever might go wrong in a relationship, suicide isn’t a solution. It could be that you weren’t meant to be and the perfect match could be around the corner. Every woman is worth a lot more and therefore your life shouldn’t revolve around that man.