Once upon a time, a king sent horsemen (people who ride horses) to raid. On their return, the raiders were expected to take every thing they had brought to the king, who, if he liked would give each of them a small part of what they would have brought.
Once upon a time, a king sent horsemen (people who ride
horses) to raid. On their return, the raiders were expected to take every thing they had brought to the king, who, if he liked would give each of them a small part of what they would have brought.
For example, a man who had captured three slaves would be allowed to keep one for himself. One of the raiders was honest Zeus, who had captured two slaves.
When the raiders were coming back from the raid, they moved quickly saying to one another "hurry up, hurry up!’ come on!” they continued hurrying, until, by god’s mercy they reached home safely.
When they entered the town, each went straight to the king’s palace, and all of them had at least two slaves and three slaves, and even some had four slaves. Each of them showed to the king what he had obtained (got) except Zeus.
On his return, he did not go straight to the king’s palace; instead he went straight to his compound, although there was no bad intention which made him go to his own home. The king asked, "Where is Zeus”? Was he perhaps killed, and you are hiding it from me?’’
The whole company answered together "Oh, no, God save your majesty, but you know what men are like? As for us we kept quite right from the beginning, when we saw that he was your favourite, so as to see how it would all turn out between you and Zeus’’.
To be continued...